There are 1,403 suppliers providing products and services to LCY in its operations in Taiwan, China, and the United States. These suppliers can be categorized into four main categories: raw and auxiliary materials, equipment and packaging materials, engineering contracts, and transportation.
Prior to formalizing agreements with suppliers, LCY conducts a thorough evaluation and communication process to assess supplier status and expectations within a responsible supply chain. Suppliers are also required to sign the “Declaration for Business Partner Supply Chain Security” and the “Honesty and Integrity Transactions Undertaking.” Once the partnership is established, LCY maintains an open communication channel with suppliers through an annual audit and evaluation process to ensure the integrity of the supply chain operation.
In pursuit of environmental sustainability, LCY works closely with suppliers to build a responsible supply chain for green and sustainable chemicals. We uphold shared ethical values and responsibilities throughout the procurement process and carefully select environmentally friendly feedstock. Adhering to the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement Guidelines, we aim to mitigate environmental risks while meeting corporate sustainability responsibilities and goals.