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Risk Management: Compliance and Audit & IP Management

LCY consistently monitors domestic and international guidelines and regulations at all of its locations and has embedded compliance into the core of its corporate culture.

Through regular sharing of regulatory updates, training, advocacy, and announcements, employees are kept informed and in compliance to achieve the goal of zero violations.

LCY prioritizes meeting the needs of stakeholders and ensuring the

quality of our services. Our commitment extends to identifying and

promptly responding to both internal and external risks. To support the company's growth and maintain sustainable operations, we have implemented a comprehensive risk management system.

Emphasizing the significance of risk assessment, our Environmental Risk Management Department, overseen by the Board of Directors, takes charge of presenting and managing all risk-related matters at the highest management level.

Information security and the protection of sensitive data have always been a priority for LCY, one that is continually emphasized and strengthened.

This commitment is a testament to our dedication to our clients and partners. LCY establishes and enhances systems and deploys information security tools based on differential analysis and risk assessment. This includes implementing information security governance, establishing protocols, integrating processes, deploying technology, and reinforcing staff training to ensure the security, effectiveness, and continuous availability of information.